Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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WoD - Thursday 2nd September, 2021

How are the forearms, butt cheeks, lower backs and lungs all? Fun a week from Mikey B hey!? 😳😂

Don’t get too excited though, it’s not over yet! Only a decent level of thrashing for your lower body to go!

Perfectly timed for a very relaxing slow flow yoga session on Sunday night, following the CF - L2 seminar where Han Layton will be working HARD, learning a whole host of new skills ready to whoop you lot into shape with…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 Rounds for time of:
6 Power snatch
12  Overhead Squats
Barbell loaded to (50/30kg)


Clean Complex
Squat clean, 2 front squats

Back extensions
10 - 10 - 10 - 10