Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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WoD - Thursday 22nd July, 2021

Would anyone like a young, very placid and incredibly easy to manage, 6 month old german pointer named Watson?!

His traits:

  • Definitely does not chew the fuck out of a cool mat, swallow the contents and vomit it back up while still inside his crate, sleeping in the mess like he couldn’t give a fuck!

  • Definitely does not pull his blankets through his crate walls, chew the fuck out of them and vomit them back up while still inside his crate, sleeping in the mess like he couldn’t give a fuck!

  • Definitely does not chew the fuck out of any toy given to him while in his crate, swallow pieces of them and vomit back up while still inside his crate, sleeping in the mess like he couldn’t give a fuck!

  • And finally definitely does not get excited while chewing a yaks milk toy, causing him to push it outside of his crate causing him to scratch relentlessly until someone comes and gives it him back.

Really he is just a complete legend who never puts a paw wrong. I mean don’t worry about him chewing a hole in a paddling pool so that you can no longer fill it with water (apparently paddling pools aren’t in high demand right now and are easy to come by). Much the same as cool mats really. I actually enjoyed visiting the 8 shops it took me to find one!

Anyway, should you want a pointer, who is nothing like the one described above…I will pay you good money to come tonight! 😉

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 15 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
100m Sandbag carry
50 Double unders
10 Front squats (60/40kg)

Clean Complex
Clean grip deadlift - Hang clean - Clean

Back extensions
10 - 10 - 10 - 10