WoD - Tuesday 29th June, 2021
It is official, Ash’s last day in the hot seat. Whoop and holler loud enough for him to hear you just over the water and south a bit, down in sunny Exeter.
It has certainly been an emotional few years; incredibly enjoyable!
He and Amy will be sorely missed and will always have a home here with us at CrossFit Cardiff. Don’t let them, become strangers, badger the legends to let you throwdown at their new joint!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A: Every minute, on the minute for 10 minutes:
Strict handstand push ups
Choose a comfortable rep range to allow fatigue but strength development rather than failure.
B: 5 Rounds each for time:
Sprint 400m
Rest the remaining time from 4 minutes between rounds.
3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3
Hip extensions
10 - 10 - 10