WoD - Thursday 23rd December, 2021
I reckon it is perfectly acceptable to start drinking copious amounts now!
My logic:
1. We are far enough away from the CrossFit Cardiff Xmas party that our beer fear has about gone.
2. We are close enough to Xmas day to not give a shit about our jobs, and…
3. F**K it, it’s Christmas!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For max weight:
5 - 5 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 1 - 1
Build in load throughout sets so that by the end…it’s really fricking heavy!
Toes to bar
1a: Kipping drills
1b: 5 Minute EMOM
5-10 reps
3 sets
2a: 3 Strict toe to bar with negative
2b: 10 Ring push ups with 2 second pause at bottom
2c: 3 Pull-up negatives
3 sets
3a: 10 Ring rows with 2 second pause
3b: 16 Single leg V-ups
3c: Max chin up hold