Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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WoD - Wednesday 2nd September, 2020

HUMP DAY! Although not really due to the bank holiday! Or just earlier! Whatever, it’s nearly the weekend again! Where you will be ready for some fun filled festivities.

Now, in order to prep you for that, we have a cheeky strength day. Your butt cheeks and pecs will be giving unsuspecting folk on the streets whiplash…you are very, very welcome!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Front rack reverse lunges
Floor press superset
10 - 10 - 10 - 10 - 10*

Both of these movements are straight sets across and in a “superset” style. Meaning that you will build to a heavy (arsed) load for each movement, perform the lunges and with as little rest as possible transition to the floor press, before resting. The goal being to stick to the same load for every set.

Please get loads up to the whiteboard…