Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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WoD - Tuesday 14th July, 2020

I am sat writing this post in Geneva airport, awaiting a flight home to London. Something that over the last 9 years of traveling to teach CrossFit, has become the norm (well maybe not so late on a Monday and with a face mask on). What is not normal though, is that this is the first seminar that I have taught for 4 months!
Since joining the military on the 16th of November, 1998, I have never had as much time “off” work.

Not all is bad though, in times like these we have got to look to the positives. And I have three very cool positives:

  1. I spent 4 uninterrupted months with the absolute stud Hannah and the little rat bag Oppo!

  2. I truly learnt just how fucking awesome you all are as a community, being able to sit back and watch the unbelievable acts of generosity demonstrated has been a real privilege and has provided another example of just why I opened those doors nearly 10 years ago.

  3. The participants this weekend were awesome. They represented the masses. The world-wide CrossFit community is an fucking cool thing to be a part of, end of! Any of you, could go literally anywhere in the world and be welcomed into a new family. The faces, languages and cultures might be different, but a thruster is a thruster!

Anyway, what better way to kick off the return of CrossFit Cardiff than a good old outdoor thrashing?

Booking into class

  • If you are planning on attending, you must book into the Saturday class, starting at 10:30.

  • If you don’t book and show up, or if you book and don’t show up, the assault bike punishment will be nothing but pure evil!

  • Should you still be joining on zoom, there is no need to book.

  • Based upon demand we will adjust and update. Please book at your earliest convience to afford us as much time as possible.

  • Should you just want to turn up for coffee, say hello, not train that’s more than cool. There is no requirement to book.

  • Please read all blog posts and social media updates carefully until this new process becomes all too natural.

  • Finally, click HERE for the link to the class, scheduled on team up.

Back to Tuesday…

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

Within 10 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
40 Double unders
20 Dumbbell OH walking lunges (L - arm)
40 Double unders
20 Dumbbell OH walking lunges (R arm)

1 Dumbbell (50/35lb)
1 Kettlebell (24/16kg)
1 Rucksack (20/15kg)

Warm up
3 Rounds not for time:
50 Single unders
25 Walking lunges
15 PVC pipe (broomstick) pass throughs
5 Hand release press ups

Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here