Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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WoD - Friday 19th June, 2020

I have previously mentioned this, and a few times, but can you ever praise your community enough? I don’t think so…

You guys are amazing. You have stuck by me and the gym entirely, for months without being able to utilise an amazing facility nor fully experience the level of coaching available to us.

Most establishments have just had COVID to worry about, but in recent weeks, we have had a huge amount more. Rather than drag us apart, it made us closer. So much so, that I am still making my way through my inbox, jam packed with supportive messages and acts of selfless generosity. So thank you.

Another thank you is to all of you that have stuck by me and stuck by the gym. Maintaining your memberships has frankly saved the place, and I owe you all a huge amount. The team at CrossFit Cardiff has been working hard to develop ways to offer content and keep everyone as happy as possible.
We have:
- Hosted daily zoom classes (Mon - Sat)
- Continued with daily programming, all filmed and posted affording you the best methods of maintaining your training
- Initiated a free online CrossFit Kids program
- Provided nutritional instruction videos
- Have began our second movement development program
- Ran a Isolation Open Competition
- Had members and coaches of the gym delivering cooked food to those at need in the community (very cool)
- Provided a huge amount of support and copious memes through both Lads (lads, lads) and Ladies what’s app groups
- Gathered huge numbers of folk for a weekly quiz
- Consistently held a bi-weekly social and led a bank holiday booze up (easily the most i’ve laughed since in lockdown - be on the look out for another)
- And finally given away almost all of the gyms equipment for you to use in your daily workouts.

We will continue with this throughout lockdown and prepare to re-open, as soon as we are instructed that we can do so, with a pre-planned and already tried method with some small adjustments made as per prior to Johnson’s isolation announcement.

And finally, when this is all said and done, we will be organising one hell of a post lockdown/isolation, in person social and setting one almighty bomb off under our zoom account bridge!

Here is to the bright future. Another day in lockdown is another day closer to freedom.

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

For time:
120 Double Unders
60 Kettlebell swings (24/16kg)
30 Kettlebell facing burpees
60 Kettlebell swings (24/16kg)
120 Double Unders

1 Kettlebell (24/16kg)
1 Dumbbell
1 Rucksack

Warm up
Run 400m
Then, 2 rounds not for time:
50 Single unders
5 Burpees
10 In place jumps for height
Then, run 400m

Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here