WoD - Thursday 9th April, 2020
Well this is going to be a funny Easter bank holiday hey, one you will remember for a long time! One where there were restrictions on the amount of Easter Eggs that you could buy, and tons on the shelves, and no restrictions on actual eggs…couldn’t find them anywhere!
Let’s hope it is the last! Training at home is fun though, when the camera records that is!
CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD
Within 9mins complete as many rounds and reps of:
15 seconds L-sit hold (Scale to one leg extended, a tuck or a hollow hold in order to maintain 15s unbroken)
30 Walking lunges (in place is also fine)
15 Glute bridges
30 Walking lunges
Warm up
Within 5 minutes, move through a slow AMRAP of:
60 High knees (30 each leg)
30 Walking lunges
15 Hollow rocks