WoD - Friday 17th April, 2020
Finish off the week with a bang. Anyone else only know what day of the week it is due to these posts? Tomorrow is officially beer Friday by the way, pick your favourite, sit back and enjoy while likely looking out at the rain. The good news is that Saturday looks to know not be raining, fingers crossed.
Lets also hope that I stop banging on about the weather.
In better and unbelievable news, Captain Tom Moore is now up and over £14 million for his 100 laps, which, he completed this morning. Achieving his goal of doing so prior to his 100th birthday! What a legend!
I would love to wake up (or even go to bed tonight), knowing that he has rolled over to 15 cool million pounds! All set to be donated to this countries everyday heroes, the NHS.
If you haven’t heard about it…where the hell have you been?? But, take a look at his Go Fundme page, linked below…
Captain Tom Moore
CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD
As many rounds or reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
20 Dumbbell deadlifts (2x50/35lbs)
3 Turkish get ups (50/35lbs - Right arm)
20 Dumbbell reverse lunges w/2x50/35lb DBs
3 Turkish get ups (50/35lbs - Left arm)
If possible use 2x50lbs (or whatever load you have) dumbbells
Or, use one DB or rucksack
Warm up
Slowly perform as many rounds as possible, within 5 minutes of:
15 Goblet position good mornings (one dumbbell/rucksack)
30 Reverse lunges (bodyweight)
5 Unladen Turkish get ups
Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here