Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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WoD - Wednesday 24th March, 2020

This is genuinely not intended to be a mindset lecture, nor is it proven by science, only results. Namely, it works for me.
Over the years I have spent a significant amount of time in “lockdown”. One military deployment envolved working with the same 4-man team for six months straight; 12 hours a day. Now that weirdly enough sometimes ended in heighten emotions.
During each 2 month trip to Iraq, I led an eight-man security team. However here was blessed with a 4 week change over; the refreshment of four new faces was certainly not under estimated.

Now, I didn’t have the problem of getting food, I was being paid, but I was locked (when not working) on a military camp with bugger all to do. And when I was working, I was in a kind of hostile place.

Anyway, being on lock down for an unknown period of time can take its toll. Enforced proximity to people (just like Christmas hey! 😉) boredom, uncertainly and likely anxiety; uncharted territory for most!

Something that we actively avoid with our fitness is something that will help you tremendously in the coming weeks, routine. Set it, agree on it and stick to it, it is a MUST have it! Realistically, it is what you do without think about on a typical day. Here is and example:

  1. Get up early. 

  2. Make your bed. Super well. Every day.

  3. Clean something to a degree you wouldn't normally, every day.

  4. Exercise. At a predefined time, for a predefined period, every day. Just like going to the 4:30 class.

  5. If you are in a large household, make time for yourself, on your own. In a room, whatever. But with no one else. You need this.

  6. Make effort with your food, don't eat shit because it's easy. You have time, so use it to make an effort. The challenge is getting the ingredients. However, I have filmed a breakfast (super easy - not so easy to edit and will post a meal regularly on IG)

  7. Communicate! Talk to people. Start with those in front of you. Put your phone down, it’s only telling you about COVID-19 anyway. Talk to them.

  8. Message 3 people everyday and ask them how they are. Personally, I am going to use this time to teach my parents how to video call. That will be a challenge and likely take me the entire lockdown period to accomplish. Jim, my stepdad has taught himself morse code at the age of 70, but can’t master a Skype call! 🤦🏻‍♂️

  9. Stay part of the community!!! We are all here for you. Both Hannah and myself have started what app groups (one for the lovely ladies and the other for the ‘orrible lads) If you aren’t on there yet, message us with your digits! Its there to interact.

  10. Post your HomeFit WoD videos and pics and times. Get stuck in. It will keep you sane.

  11. Follow Cath Knapton and watch her IG stories, they can’t fail to put a smile on your face.

  12. Lastly, switch off at night, and: put the TV on; read a book; do a puzzle or play a game. Whatever you’re into.

If you decide to do none of this, just do one thing…


If you are clever and disciplined, you could easily come out of all of this healthier, smarter and stronger (especially mentally). All with a stronger community bond.

Anyway, here is a workout and a picture of Oppo with some bacon balanced on his nose!

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

In as fewer sets as possible:
150 Hollow rocks
Each time you break 10 handstand push ups (Sofa/back garden/dining table - even just a pike press up)

Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here