WoD - Wednesday 12th February, 2020
Get ready for the weekend…
We have our ninth year birthday, official throwdown! Team of…a certain amount of athletes…will compete (in a fun, who gives a shit if you’ve had a beer or 10 the night before, in fact that might be funny) way, across the day and over a set number of SUPER COOL workouts!
Unfortunately for you lot, I programmed these workouts while angrily travelling home yesterday (ish - finished programming them), and so they might be a little evil.
You’ll be fiiiiiiine!
Following, we will have a bunch of food and a couple of cheeky beers…why not! Get excited!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A: 10 - 10 - 10 - 10
Back Rack Walking Lunges*
*pick a HEAVY weight and stay with it throughout all sets
B: 2 Sets:
1. 1 Minute hollow hold
2. 1 Minute side plank (each side)
3. 1 Minute superman hold
Get those loads up on the board please legends….
Met Con
5 rounds for time:
10 Kettlebell deadlifts (2x24/16kg)
30m farmers carry (2x24/16kg)
10 Kettlebell push press (2x24/16kg)
Penblwydd Hapus buddy!