WoD - Tuesday 19t November, 2019
Although to some, this may appear to be bullying, it really couldn’t be further from the truth! My intentions come from 100% good will rather than pure evil!
Should Ollie decide to take his mother up on the offer of, I’m sure, a delicious meal coupled with an extremely festive evening he will: wake up refreshed and in the good books, hang over free yet unable to put his finger on the bizarre gut wrenching feeling, cursing through his veins.
It is simple…FOMO! Fear of missing out. And, yes he did miss out! Maybe the hang over that he will be suffering as a result will cause him to doubt his decision, until he has the inevitable light bulb moment once the craft beer fog lifts…”man that was totally worth it!”
The second reason for my apparent onslaught is easy…I really want to meet his mother and see what she’s like when smashed!
Speaking of the Xmas party, get your monies in for tickets and…tomorrows workout is the perfect pre-party pump!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
10 Rounds for time of:
5 Strict pull ups
10 Press ups
15 GHD/ab mat sit ups
Use your newly sculpted biceps to guide that whiteboard marker in writing your times down…