WoD - Monday 30th July, 2018
Yep, I am not happy with this weather! It sucks ass!! But, if it stays, we will stay inside and smash ourselves with gnarly workouts, over and over again until it improves...it might be a while, but we will be super fit!
I hope while reading this, your hang overs have gone back to where they came from and you are happy following a shit hot weekend! Busting and ready to go for another week of fitness.
By the way, this week you're mine!!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 8 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
40 Double Unders
5 Front Squat (90/70kg)
20 GHD sit ups
Fast, heavy and furious. Scale that load so that you are able to push through the workout unbroken. Once you have, get your rounds up on the whiteboard please...
He actually, really is a legend!