WoD - Tuesday 24th April, 2018
What the hell are you supposed to do with 15 extra hours at Charles De Gaulle airport in Paris. I have easily beaten the world record for the amount of rides on the train which connects terminals 1, 2 and 3 together, the novelty soon wheres off.
Luckily, the French transportation system is firmly on strike and so I have been unable to fill my boredom by buying a shit ton of expensive assed electrical products that I neither need nor can afford. However, Starbucks, as much as I hate them, have remained strong, at least one of them has. Providing me with as much caffeine as I can handle and a comfy (ish) chair with an exceptional view of a man, who is drunk/high enough to think that the shiny grout between the floor tiles is actually a slack line. Until the he had the dogs set on him, quite literally, was fully committing to walking the whole thing in a oner and without spilling his absinthe!
Good pissed bloke!!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 Rounds for time of:
30 Double Unders
20 Press Ups
10 Shoulder To Overhead (60/40kg)
Please post your kick ass, lunging burning times to the whiteboard...