Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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WoD - Wednesday 7th February, 2018

The birthday is done and dusted for another year. Now back to normal service and so the mission begins...Get Ross and Katie Back!! 

In my younger years, I merely would've adopted the smoke grenade through the door and snatch them in their sleep approach. But apparently, you can no longer do that, it's called kidnapping or something. Maybe if the authorities knew why I was performing such a selfless task, they would be lenient?! 
Regardless, the only way I can see this happening, is via a double pronged, pincher type, social media manoeuvre. If you see these people, out on the streets, at the pub, in a coffee shop, then tell them we're after them! They cannot avoid us, we will be triumphant. 


CrossFit Cardiff WoD


21 - 18 - 15 - 12 - 9 - 6 - 3
Thrusters (95/65lbs) (40/30kg)
Bar facing Burpees

Maybe get Ross and Katies back on Thursday!! 

Please write your kick ass and far faster than 2016 times on the whiteboard...