WoD - Wednesday 14th February, 2018
Well I hope this post finds you as strong as a bear and full to the brim of delicious pancakes!
Now, a small admin point. Please, please, please, all you ladies who plan on bringing Valentines Day cards for Ash, can you deposit them in a neat and presentable pile?! He is away sunning his tanable skin while majestically swooping down some fresh, off piste snow and will work his way through the mountain of love letter on his return.
Unfortunately though, and I am sorry to say this, he only has eyes for one...lucky...person...
...Suller! Sorry Conroy!!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
21 - 15 - 9
Hang Power Snatch (40/30kg)
Please scribe your times and messages of Ash love to the whiteboard...