WoD - Thursday 21st September, 2017
Ok, now that your buns are big, and officially made of steal...and your shoulders are like boulders, you're ready for "Freddie's Revenge!"
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
"Freddy's Revenge"
5 Rounds for time of:
5 STOH (85/60kg)
10 Burpees
This is an all out sprint, warm up well and hit it as hard as you possibly can.
Accessory Program
4 x 6 eccentric ring rows (1s up/5s down - use band if required)
Superset between Set 1 and 2:
27 Different Squat variants - FILM
Squat mobility complexes - FILM
Superset between Set 2 and 3:
12 Single leg glute raises - per leg
20 KB Deadlifts - FILM
Superset between Set 3 and 4:
30 Wall Toe taps per leg - heels stay down
30 Wall hip drives - heels stay down
10 Russian Lunges per leg - toe stays down
10 Russian Lunges per leg - toes come up
10 Narrow stance squats
Superset following set 4:
15 PVC pipe shoulder pass throughs (narrowing grip every 5 reps)
5 DB Overhead squats (make these LIGHT, they hurt).
15 PVC pipe shoulder pass throughs (narrowing grip every 5 reps)
5 DB Overhead squats
15 PVC pipe shoulder pass throughs (narrowing grip every 5 reps)
5 DB Overhead squats
2 Rounds not for time, but for form of:
5 GHD Hip and Back Extensions - FILM - (these are extremely challenging reduce reps if needed but keep the movement)
10 Kip Swings, 8 Kips, 6 Kipping pull ups (use a band if required).
5 Wall Squats with a 5 second pause at the bottom of each rep.
10 GHD Back Extensions
5 Wall Squats with a 5 second pause at the bottom of each rep.
10 Kip Swings, 8 Kips, 6 Kipping pull ups (use a band if required).
15 GHD hip extensions
Rest as needed between rounds, ensuring that quality of movement can be maintained