Monday - 7th August, 2017
I hope you lot had an awesome weekend, watched the games and had a blast.
Hands up if you can't get over how fast the women did 17.5++?? Kara Webb was sub 8mins; if you haven't seen it...she did the last open workout, with the mens weight, faster than the overwhelming percentage of the men in the open!! It's nuts and I cannot stop thinking about it.
Anyway. 3 questions that I was asked pretty much every Monday morning for 7 years while in the mob:
1. Did anyone trap?
2. Did anyone Bag off? (Usually followed by..."stop spinning shit dits're far to rats to bag off!!)
3. Did anyone get arrested?
To help you out with understanding the above; to figure out what the hell those words are coming out of my mouth in class; or maybe just to give you some easy toilet seat here.
In another, more relevant note, we will be starting an accessory program next week. This program will focus on improving two movements - for an extended period - prior to moving onto another. So that you know from the get go, one of these movement will ALWAYS be the humble, essential and beautiful Air Squat.
Initially, we shall address the pull up. With both strength development for the strict version of the movement, as well as drills to better effect the gymnastics kip.
Improving your Air Squat will help you to snatch more weight, bag off more often as well as increase your bank balance. Developing strength in an upper body pulling movement along with the technique for a regular kip will positively affect literally everything else.
This program will be conducted twice per week, on Tuesday and Thursday, for an 8 week period. Please complete before or after class in order to compliment your workout. They are not designed to be done for time, but rather for athletic prowess.
Video's of movements that you might not know shall be posted to aid in your road to world domination.
Happy hunting team.
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Every 5 mins, for 5 rounds, complete:
30 Cal Row
12 Bar facing burpees
5 Hang Power Cleans (80/60kg)