WoD - Tuesday 4th April 2017
Well that had a significant stimulus and was gangs of "fun!" I hope you are all recovering from the weekend and ready to embark on a new summer glute quest.
As you will have seen, the "chill out" room has be re-located to the balcony. This is due to Cardiff Krav Maga utilising the space to run classes. They have amalgamated with us at the gym and shall be teaching classes on the main floor from 8pm onwards. Please help them to integrate into our community, they will bring with them a new avenue for you bad asses to potentially let off some steam should you wish.
From now on, we shall be having you guys walk into the door on the left-hand side of the box so as you can head straight upstairs. Merely come back down the same way and enter the gym as you normally would.
Before too long, I will be planning of having a easier and far cooler method of accessing the viewing platform, but please bare with me as it will take a lot of work.
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A: 3 sets of 20 GHD Hip Ext
B: Front Rack Walking Lunges
10 - 10 - 10 - 10
Goooooood luck! Please post loads to the white board...