WoD - Friday 24th November, 2017
Get ready for the Partner League Final!! Any and ALL welcome, regardless or not of whether you have competed in the event to date.
We will throw down, and hang out afterwards! A good old stink and drink.
Look out for the announcement of WoD 6.
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Five rounds for time of:
7 Muscle ups
21 Sumo deadlift high pull (40/30kg)
1LT Tyler E. Parten, 24, of Arkansas, died Sept. 10 in Konar province, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained when insurgents attacked his unit using rocket-propelled grenades and small arms fire. He was assigned to the 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, Colorado.
Please post times to the whiteboard....