Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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WoD - Monday 20th November, 2017

Are you excited? Did you even remember that we are kicking the week off with the final workout in the Partner league...COURSE you did!! How could you forget! 

However, in order to tease you a little more, I need to tell you something else that is really cool...the latest Foundations course has just finished and these heroes will likely be in class today! If you see anyone looking like a rabbit blinded by the head lights...grab them, embrace them with a sweaty, chalky and hair hug, squeezing until they feel warm and fluffy. Lull them into a false sense of security; a safe place...and then we'll smash them with the assault bike!! 
Ooooops, I gave the game away...

Partner League WoD 4

Within 4mins:
Accumulate as many calories as possible of: Assault Bike. 

Rest 4mins

Within 4mins:
Accumulate as many reps as possible of: Medicine Ball Cleans.

Rx 20/14lbs
Scaled 14/10lbs

Calories and repetitions can only be accumulated with, one athlete working at any one time.