WoD - Tuesday 15th December 2015
Who wants an 11am class on Xmas Eve?? Speak up team.
What is not happening is an 8pm class as I did one year. Couldn't get out of the gym even on Christmas Eve.
So today's workout was purposefully placed in order to ensure that you weren't required to perform anything too crazy on hang over day number 2. Tomorrow though...not so much. Enjoy...
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For Time:
100 Cal Row
100 Double Unders
75 STOH (40/30kg)
75 Air Squats
50 Hang Power Cleans (50/35kg)
50 GHD Sit Ups
25 Deadlifts (80/60kg)
25 HSPUs
*there will be a 25min time cap on this workout.
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