WOD and BBQ - Saturday 17th Oct
Tomorrow is business as usual with an 11am Partner WOD which is guaranteed to hurt. You won't know what it is until tomorrow though, but I suggest you find a partner smaller than you ;)
Later on we'll be having a BBQ (lit from 3pm) and screening the rugby (KO 4pm) so why not drop in and hang out for bit....we may be heading into town after as well so things could get messy....
New Brand
We are in the process of redesigning our CrossFit Cardiff Brand and we'd love your input. I figure that there will be a number of you out there who may have some cool ideas. So If anyone fancies coming up with something then please e-mail it through, and if we decide to go with it then you'll have a free hoodie with the new design on it in the next month (yes we're getting some new stuff in).
See you lovely people tomorrow.